How To Dry Fruits and Vegetables
Drying Food Is Easy and Inexpensive
Drying is one of the oldest methods of food preservation. In many parts of the world, it is still the main way to keep food from spoiling. Whether drying by sun, oven, commercial or handmade dehydrator, this is an effective way to preserve food, particularly fruits and vegetables. By removing a large amount of the water content, the organisms that cause spoilage cannot grow. The amount of moisture that can be safely left in depends on whether it is a low or high acid food, as well as on the type of storage. It is also good to keep your dry food into the vacuumsaver food storage containers . Most pieces will shrink to 1/6 to 1/3 of their original size and weight.
EquipmentThis method of preserving food does not require a large investment. It can be as simple as placing a container or a clean sheet in the hot sun and spreading the desired items out to dry. Sun drying is difficult though, in areas that do not have bright, hot sunlight and low humidity. Daytime temperature should reach about 90 degrees to sufficiently dry food. Even then, it could take several days to dry most foods, and they will need to be brought inside at night.
Oven drying can work well for small amounts, but is not practical for larger quantities of food. The good part about this method is that the temperature can be controlled, if the oven can be set as low as 125 degrees. If it can't, the door will need to be left partially open, which heats up the kitchen and wastes energy. Drying food at too high a temperature can cause the pieces to harden on the outside, while remaining too moist on the inside
Read more at Suite101: How To Dry Fruits and Vegetables: Drying Food Is Easy and Inexpensive
The best way to dry food consistently and quickly, is with a commercial dehydrator. These can be costly, but can be a good investment for those who plan to dry foods regularly. Both the air flow and temperature can be controlled, allowing food to be dried in any weather, throughout the year. Vegetables need to be dried at 125 degrees, fruit needs the slightly higher temperature of 135 degrees or higher. Then, it is better to keep your dry food into the vacuumsaver food storage containers to keep your dried food longer.
With any of these methods, it is important to use containers that are made of food safe material. These can include stainless steel, plastic or teflon coated fiberglass. Metals such as copper or aluminum should never be used, nor should any metal that has been plated with cadmium or zinc. Wooden trays with woven or perforated bottoms work well for homemade dryers
Read more at Suite101: How To Dry Fruits and Vegetables: Drying Food Is Easy and Inexpensive
Food Drying Basics
It is extremely important to use food that is in its prime. Overripe or bruised produce should not be used. They can be cut and peeled according to preference, but individual pieces should not be more than 1/2 inch thick. Small, thin pieces tend to dry the best. When sufficiently dried, vegetables will be crisp, brittle or tough. Fruits should be leathery and pliable. It is also important to keep your dried food into the vacuumsaver food storage containers
Read more at Suite101: How To Dry Fruits and Vegetables: Drying Food Is Easy and Inexpensive
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